See all product updates over here.
3veta 2.0 is now live!
The platform now brings some key features to manage your team – a team dashboard, a shared team calendar, dedicated meeting rooms, and much more.
BTW, Nikola prepared a short video to show you around in case you haven’t checked the platform already.
Feel free to explore all the new features you now have access to.
Manage your team from a team dashboard
Even if you are using 3veta all by yourself, this simply means you are a one-man team.. for now.
We’ve made it extremely easy to add new members to your team, directly from the team dashboard.

Team shared calendar
Once there is more than one person on your team things become really interesting!
You can go to the calendar tab and view the availability of all your teammates. This makes scheduling team meetings easier than ever.

3veta truly is better together!
Iskren is the CTO of He is an Oxford graduate, instructor on Udemy with more than 400,000 students, former head of R&D for multiple start-ups, and software developer for an international trading company. If this isn't enough, he is also a published researcher in the peer-reviewed Quantum Science and Technology journal.