So many moms face the same dilemma – we want to spend as much time with our kids as possible. But can we also have a fulfilling career? On the surface, our options are unlimited – part-time work, flexible hours, work from home arrangements.
But as we go along, things aren’t so easy. Many working moms end up doing full hours in part-time jobs. Others struggle to find a job that will meet all their flexibility requirements. And there are moms who simply have to give up their ambitions of a successful career because it seems impossible to find the time.
Table of contents
- So, how to build a career working from home with a baby?
- The benefits of an online video services career for working moms
- Keep your existing profession
- Start a brand new business or improve your existing one
- Help other moms and earn some income out of it
- Make your hobby work for you
- Think about your other half
- Put yourself first for once
So, how to build a career working from home with a baby?
What are the truly flexible solutions that help moms balance between working from home with a baby or a toddler and having a successful career?
Welcome to the world of online video services.
Thanks to them you can now provide a service to your customers via a simple video call.
You can be anywhere you like and it all starts with just the click of a button.
There are so many advantages to online video services that they are now part of our everyday lives.
The benefits of an online video services career for working moms

All professionals can benefit from providing online video services, but the flexibility they give working moms is invaluable.
Nobody needs a boss who frowns when you leave right on time because the kids finish school at 3 pm.
Nobody wants to pick up odd shifts because “you owe it to that colleague who saved me one time”.
Nobody is happy to stay up all night to finish the marketing project due in on Monday.
It’s so exhausting to keep trying to find jobs for moms during school hours. What we need as moms is to choose our working hours, especially when working from home with a baby or a toddler. We should be able to spend quality time with the family other than the 30 minutes of crazy rushing every morning.
We want to be able to meet our friends once in a while (We still have a social life, right?!)
And yes, we do want to work and to feel that our careers inspire and excite us, not drain us.
All that makes providing online video services the best job for working moms.
While working from home with a baby or a toddler might be hard sometimes, we are lucky to live in exciting times. An online video services career can give us exactly what we want, and there are many ways to get there.
Keep your existing profession
For those of us who already have an established career, juggling work and childcare is quite the task. You basically have to do two jobs….. on half the sleep! And it gets tougher with time – as your kids start going to extra activities you turn into a personal chauffeur. At this point many women try to reduce their work hours, or, unfortunately, change their careers. But do you really have to lose all the years of hard work, just because “the customer needs you now”?
With the help of video calls, you don’t need to abandon your profession. You can get into instant contact with your customers or patients anywhere and at any time via a simple platform. Lawyers, medical professionals, and financial consultants around the world are discovering the benefits. Working from home with a baby is way easier than going to an office. Not only do you get to choose your working times, but you also don’t need to drive to work anymore.
Start a brand new business or improve your existing one

You may be tired of your old career. Maybe all you want is just a fresh start. Having kids changes women’s perspective. It makes us way more confident and ready to take on new challenges. Why don’t you venture into what you have always dreamt of doing?
There are so many options and one of them will be perfect for you.
Tutoring, for example, is very popular among moms, and with the help of online video conferencing platforms for education, it becomes extremely convenient.
Many fitness instructors and health and wellness counselors also find added flexibility after adopting this online business model.
Moreover, even if you already have a business with classes or consultations, consider building an online tutoring marketplace and invite other tutors to register.
That way you’ll reach more people and will also earn some extra money based on the service marketplace business model you choose.
Help other moms and earn some income out of it

OK, we all read numerous articles and watched lots of videos to learn how to take care of our kids. And honestly, it is a lifelong learning experience. There is constantly something that worries us and makes us open that new Google tab.
Does my kid have enough friends or does it maybe have too many?
Why does he/she seem so distracted all the time?
How do I handle a teenager’s tantrum?!
Some women absorb everything there is to know about bringing up children and become real experts. Others, however, prefer to have a trusted person to turn to when it comes to kids’ matters.
And that person might be you.
There are plenty of home business opportunities for moms.
Recently, many people have had to turn to sleep consultants or lactation consultants with their issues. Midwives are also offering online classes to millions of expectant moms.
Does this sound like something you can talk about for hours?
If yes, this is pretty much all you need in order to have your own business. Helping other moms can feel incredibly rewarding and if you do it via video, you will have a lot more credibility than the common online blog. Moreover, one-to-one conversations will retain the privacy between you and your customer. They will not be subjected to the “know-it-all” critiques of the whole Internet community.
Make your hobby work for you

Online video consultations can help you even if you just want to start earning an income out of your hobby.
Are you interested in astrology?
Or are you really good with makeup?
What about event planning?
You don’t need to physically meet with someone to offer them your service.
Think outside the box!
💡Pro tip
A diploma isn’t necessary at all to be able to consult online. Anything that you are really good at will be of interest to someone out there. That’s exactly what makes online consulting a perfect opportunity for moms working from home with a baby.
Honestly, you may not realize how special your skills are. There are tons of people who are trying to make the perfect eclairs create their very first blog, or just need some help with an online tool that you are proficient at. They are tired of watching tutorials and waiting for a response from forum groups. All they want is reasonably-priced guidance that is tailor-made for them.
If you think you can provide this, then you have got yourself a business! See how you can start providing services online just with a few clicks.
Think about your other half
Regardless of whether we live with a partner or not, more than half of moms take more care of the kids’ schedules and activities than dads. This is a big reason why many moms struggle to advance in their careers. And I do appreciate the fact that your profession might not be done remotely (have a good think though before you conclude this is your case).
But what about your partner? They have a kid too, so maybe they are the ones who can benefit from online video services. Even if they don’t use them in 100% of their job, it could still make a massive difference to your day! Your partner could have more time to pick the kids up from school or do the shopping while you are at work. Share this possibility with them, it may be what exactly they were looking for.
And while we are at it, have you considered your parents or in-laws? People of all generations are adopting online video consultations. Maybe they are the people who can have an online business and help you with childcare.
Put yourself first for once
Moms do a lot of hard work.
Raising a family, taking care of the home, and working often leaves us feeling exhausted. But it’s in our DNA to find ways to make things better and smarter all the time. You’ve made it to where you are, so ask yourself – what is your next step? Be a little selfish – what can you do to improve your work-life balance? Aren’t online video services the answer you have been looking for? Don’t limit yourself and know that being a mom and having a career is possible!