Hybrid Work and Remote-First Work by 3veta

Update di prodotto: crea il tuo sito web!

Our long-awaited website builder is finally here!

Working from Home with a Baby? How Moms can Build a Career

How providing online video services helps moms balance between working from home with a baby or toddler and having a successful career.

How to start providing online consultations from home

Wondering how to start providing online consultations from home? This guide will give you all the essential advice you need.

I 5 servizi che non ti aspettavi di trovare online!

What are the most surprising services that have proved to work perfectly fine with the help of a simple video chat? Find out below.

Update di prodotto: e-mail automatiche!

Transactional e-mails are flying into your inbox! 📬

How can a Lawyer Start Providing Online Legal Services?

It is now fully possible for lawyers to provide online legal services. If you want to get up to speed, this is the perfect place to start.

Update di prodotto: nuovo look!

We’ve got a dazzling new facelift!

Telemedicine Video Conferencing: Everything You Need to Know

What's telemedicine video conferencing, how to become a mobile doctor, and why you should start providing online medical consultations.

How to become an online tutor?

This guide will focus on how to become an online tutor and build a successful business out of it.

how to become an online personal trainer - a fitness instructor providing online trainings

If you want to expand your business and learn how to become an online personal trainer, this guide is your best place to start!

Update di prodotto: Chat, meeting “a senso unico” e un’accogliente sala d’attesa

First improvements are up and running!

4 people representing a Gen Zeer, a Millenial, a Gen Xer and a Baby Boomer

From Generation Z to Baby Boomers, every generation has their reasons to use video conferencing for online services.

1. Online Services from Home - when are they becoming a part of our lives

If you are looking for the next thing to change our lives very soon, look no further than consultation services.

3veta beta

We are proud to announce that after months of hard work 3veta.com is finally in beta!You can use 3veta to easily create paid online video meetings with clients and get paid for your time, every time!