Booking pages and video calls - under one roof.
Fully branded video calls solution to impress your clients.
We power your scalable marketplace, where experts meet clients.
Our latest and greatest version so far!
Monthly Digest: What’s new on the 3veta platform in December 2022
Monthly Digest: What’s new on the 3veta platform in October 2022
Our big dream keeps getting better! 3veta has been named a TechCrunch Startup Battlefield company
Monthly Digest: What’s new on the 3veta platform in September 2022
Monthly Digest: What’s new on the 3veta platform in August 2022
Monthly Digest: What’s new on the 3veta platform in July 2022
Monthly Digest: What’s new on the 3veta platform in June 2022
Monthly Digest: What’s new on the 3veta platform in May 2022
Monthly Digest: What’s new on the 3veta platform in April 2022
Monthly Digest: What’s new on the 3veta platform in March 2022
Monthly Digest: What’s new on the 3veta platform in February 2022
Monthly Digest: What’s new on the 3veta platform in January
Now there’s an even simpler way to interact over a video call – with the simple raise of a hand or emoji reaction!
Raise your hand up if you’ve ever created a poll! Now you can create a poll in the chat of your video call.
You can now take advantage of video call recordings completely for free, directly to your computer!
Il nostro tanto atteso creatore di siti web è finalmente attivo!
E-mail automatiche volano nel tuo inbox! 📬
The wait is over – you can share your screen in Full HD from your iPhone or iPad.
Nuove funzionalità installate!
We proudly present to you our latest feature – My booking page! It might sound like just one feature, but it has packed a lot of improvement within itself!
You can now schedule your meetings in advance, decide who will be paying for them or ‘Meet now’ and jump in a meeting with no preparation whatsoever!
You have already created your website, added a logo and customized it – now it’s time to spice up your meeting room as well!
It is time for a spring clean! Clean your processes and your finances with 3veta! The best place to meet clients online and getting paid – now completely for free!
We know you wanted free meetings – here they are!
Our long-awaited website builder is finally here!
Transactional e-mails are flying into your inbox! 📬
Транзакционните имейли летят към вашата кутия! 📬
Имаме зашеметяващ фейс лифт!
First improvements are up and running!
И ето, че първите подобрения вече са налице!
We are proud to announce that after months of hard work 3veta.com is finally in beta!
You can use 3veta to easily create paid online video meetings with clients and get paid for your time, every time!
Горди сме да съобщим, че след месеци упорита работа 3veta.com най-накрая е в бета версия!
С 3veta можете лесно да създавате платени онлайн видео срещи с клиенти и да получавате парите си онлайн!
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che 3veta è live in versione beta! Usa 3veta per creare meeting ed essere pagato in tempo, per il tuo tempo!